
Verglio di una citta (1914)

Luigi Russolo

Luigi Russolo

Ti­tel der Com­pi­la­ti­on: Dada For Now. A Collection of Futurist and Dada Sound Works
Ti­tel: Luigi Russolo: Verglio di una citta (Track 23)
Her­aus­ge­ber: ARK, Liverpool
Da­tum: 1914, publ. 1985
Me­di­um: re­cord 30 cm


Luigi Russolos musikalische Version von einer neuen Musik aus den Geräuschen der Metropolen und der Zivilisation beschrieb er folgendermaßen: 

"Ancient life was all silence. In the nineteenth century, with the invention of the machine, Noise was born. Today, Noise triumphs and reigns supreme over the sensibility of men. […] Every manifestation of life is accompanied by noise. Noise is therefore familiar to our ears and has the power to remind us immediately of life itself. Musical sound, a thing extraneous to life and independent of it... has become to our ears what a too familiar face is to our eyes" (Luigi Russolo). 

Das Stück Verglio di una citta von 1914 war dabei eines der sehr frühen Werke Russolos nach Veröffentlichung seines musikalisches Manifests L'arte dei rumori (Die Kunst der Geräusche) in 1913.