Title of the compilation: Poetry International
Title: Marriage (Track 09)
Publisher: Kunststichting, Rotterdam
Date: 1973
Medium: record 30 cm
The compilation Poetry International was published in 1973 by the Rotterdamse Kunststichting (RKS), an independent, city-supported foundation for the promotion of art, culture and urban planning in Rotterdam. Since 1970, it has organised the Rotterdam Poetry International Festival, which quickly developed into an internationally important meeting of poets and audiences and still exists today (2020).
The compilation contains eleven pieces with talks by some of the poets and poets present at the 1973 festival, including Alan Ginsberg, Jean-Clarence Lambert and Hugh McDiarmid.
German author and poet Günter Grass provided his poem Ehe for the compilation. In it, he vividly describes events of a married life and ironises the everyday events of a longstanding, family relationship situation.