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The Brian Gysin Show (1975)

Brian Gysin

Brion Gysin

Album title: The Brion Gysin Show
Title: n.T. (Track 09)
Publisher: Edition S Press, Düsseldorf/Munich
Date: 1975
Medium: audio cassette


The English painter and poet Brion Gysin is the founder and rediscoverer of the cut-up collage technique, which he initially used extensively in the visual arts and eventually transferred to sound works. This principle of permutation repeats a short phrase with constant changes in the order of the individual words. This results in rhythmic but never accurately repeating blocks of sound and words, which Gysin subjects to further alienation and distortion in some works. Gysin's first publication of these works was in Henri Chopin's Revue OU, and others followed in cooperation with his long-time artist friend William Burroughs.