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Online Databases

Artexte, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
Ar­tex­te has a uni­que collec­tion re­pre­sen­ting vi­su­al arts in Ca­na­da from 1965 to to­day. The hol­dings com­pri­se over 20,500 mo­no­graphs, vi­su­al, au­dio or di­gi­tal do­cu­ments (in­clu­ding 1,000 ar­tist­s’ pu­bli­ca­ti­ons); 10,000 ver­ti­cal files for ar­tists and arts or­ga­niza­t­i­ons; and more than 500 Ca­na­di­an and in­ter­na­tio­nal art pe­ri­o­di­cal tit­les. Spe­cial collec­tions in­clu­de the pro­jet Mo­bi­li­v­re/​Book­mo­bi­le Pro­ject (with 600+ ar­tists books and zi­nes) as well as va­rious ar­tist­s’ au­dio­tape pro­jects. Ar­tex­te’s da­ta­ba­ses pro­vi­de Eng­lish and French ac­cess to the collec­tion of pu­bli­ca­ti­ons and art do­cu­men­ta­ti­on.
Ge­ne­ral in­for­ma­ti­on on Ar­tex­te’s collec­tion:
Bi­blio­gra­phic da­ta­ba­se & list of files:

Archive Artist Publications, Munich, Germany
The Ar­chi­ve is com­pri­sed of cir­ca 34.000 ar­tist­s’ books, ma­ga­zi­nes, ob­jects, mu­sic cas­set­tes, pos­ters, ca­len­dars, au­to­graphs, ephe­me­ra, ar­tist­s' stamps and mul­ti­ples from a selec­tion of in­ter­na­tio­nal ar­tists. The Ar­chi­ve grew out of ex­hi­bi­ti­ons moun­ted by the Pro­du­zen­ten­ga­le­rie Adel­gun­den­stras­se in Mu­nich and Ver­lag Hu­bert Kret­sch­mer.

Artists Books in South Africa, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
The site was laun­ched in 2006 to co­in­ci­de with the ex­hi­bi­ti­on Navigating the Bookscape: Artists? Books and the Digital Interface at the 2006 Aard­klop Arts Fes­ti­val, Pot­chef­stroom. Sin­ce then, other re­se­arch pro­jects around the book-as-an-art­work have been un­der­ta­ken and the re­sul­tant ex­hi­bi­ti­ons, book-ob­jects as well as re­la­ted textu­al re­se­arch have been in­clu­ded. Uni­que to the site is The Bibliography of The Jack Ginsberg Collection on Artists Books, which is an in­dex to thousands of prin­ted items (books, scho­lar­ly texts, ca­ta­lo­gues, pam­phlets, tracts etc.) on ar­tist­s' books, collec­ted by Jack Gins­berg over the last forty-five ye­ars.

Database Image Browser
About the Jack Ginsberg Database and Bibliography

cneai - centre national de l'édition et de l'art imprimé, Chatou, France
The da­ta­ba­se reach 2560 ar­tis­t's books of the Fmra, di­gi­ti­zed with cap­ti­ons, among the 10,000 exis­ting works of the Fmra collec­tion.
Library of the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada

The Li­bra­ry con­ta­ins the Art Me­tro­po­le Collec­tion da­ta­ba­se with 12,611 items, such as ar­tist­s' books, mul­ti­ples and pos­ters, ex­hi­bi­ti­on ca­ta­lo­gues, etc., as well as ana­ly­tics for in­di­vi­du­al ar­tists re­pre­sen­ted in group ex­hi­bi­ti­ons, and in­dex ent­ries for an­tho­lo­gies and ar­tist­s' pe­ri­o­di­cals.
General information on the Art Metropole Collection  
The Art Metropole Collection Database  
The National Library’s Collection of artists’ books and multiples

The MoMA  Library, New York, United States of America
The Li­bra­ry's hol­dings in­clu­de ap­pro­xi­mate­ly 300,000 books and ex­hi­bi­ti­on ca­ta­lo­gues, 300 pe­ri­o­di­cal sub­scrip­ti­ons, and over 40,000 ver­ti­cal files of an­noun­ce­ments and ephe­me­ra about in­di­vi­du­al ar­tists. Collec­tion high­lights in­clu­de works on Dada and Sur­rea­lism, The Mu­se­um of Mo­dern Art/​Fran­klin Fur­nace Ar­tist Book Collec­tion, and the Po­li­ti­cal Art Do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and Dis­tri­bu­ti­on (PAD/​D) Ar­chi­ve.
DA­DA­BA­SE is the ca­ta­lo­gue of The Mu­se­um of Mo­dern Art Li­bra­ry and Stu­dy Cen­ters. It in­clu­des re­cor­ds for all ma­te­ri­al in the Li­bra­ry, in­clu­ding books, pe­ri­o­di­cal tit­les, ex­hi­bi­ti­on ca­ta­lo­gues, auc­tion ca­ta­lo­gues, pam­phlet files, ar­tist­s' books, spe­cial collec­tions ma­te­ri­als, and web­sites. Pri­ma­ry sour­ce collec­tions are held by the Mu­se­um Ar­chi­ves.
General information on the Museum Library
Finding Aids and Guides to the Collections in the Museum Archives

The consortium of New York art libraries

Victoria & Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom
Pro­vi­des in­for­ma­ti­on on the collec­tion of ar­tist­s' books held in the Na­tio­nal Art Li­bra­ry and ac­cess to a Vi­su­al Da­ta­ba­se of a selec­tion of ar­tist­s' books in the collec­tion.
General information on the collection of artists’ books
V&A Artists’ Books Database